Benefits of Juicing

Juicing is often used to enhance a person’s overall nutritional intake. After all, juicing can provide high levels of fiber (depending upon the type of juicing), naturally enzymes, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and many other natural and healthful ingredients.

Juicing often includes a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. “Sometimes my patients require the concentrated nutrition of juicing, but I must be careful to recommend juicing that does not stress one’s blood sugar. At other times, I recommend specific juicing recipes that are tailored to reduce inflammation, or for heart disease or cancer, hormonal issues, gastrointestinal problems and autoimmune disease – just to name a few.

In summary, Dr. Wald will use health history and goals along with laboratory work, and his 30 yrs of clinical experience to determine the ideal diet, juicing plan and or nutritional supplements to help treat and prevent various health problems – naturally!

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*DISCLAIMER: Dr. Michael Wald is a doctor of chiropractic with a Masters Degree in nutrition. He is also a Certified Dietitian Nutritionist and Sports Nutritionist. Dr. Wald is certified to provide acupuncture in several states, but not in New York. Dr. Wald has a Board Certifications in Nutrition. Dr. Michael Wald earned his MD diploma, but did not complete a residency and is thus not licensed to practice medicine. The information on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not to substitute for sound medical or health advice. Information contained within this website may change at any time without prior notice. The information on this website is under copyright, 2024.

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