Health Professionals Coaching Services

Professional Coaching Services tailored to health professionals ready to manifest abundant clinical, financial and emotional success!

Dr. Michael Wald provides professional coaching services to health care providers wishing to fulfill their dreams and goals of an abundant life!

Health Care Providers That Benefit from Dr. Michael Wald’s Coaching Services:

Clinical Nutritionists | Medical Doctors | Chiropractic Physicians |Osteopaths | Nurses | Nurse Practitioners | Acupuncturists | Physical Therapists | Dietitians | Certified Nutritional Specialists | Certified Clinical Nutritionists | Therapists | Pharmacists | Naturopaths | Life Coaches | Homeopaths | Dentists | Physician Assistants | Veterinarians | Massage Therapists | Psychiatrists


My name is Dr. Michael Wald, and thank you for considering my Professional Coaching services.

The fact that you are reading this says that you feel that your professional practice success is lacking in one or more ways. Is this is true then my professional coaching services could be exactly what you need to transform your practice and your life. Extraordinary results in life, both personal and professional, begin with a change in your thinking.

Maybe you are not making enough money to support your current expenses let alone pay your mortgage down more quickly and contribute into your retirement fund

Maybe your practice is not joyful – and you are feeling stressed out and not appreciated by staff or your patients

Happiness depends upon ourselves – Aristotle

All of these concerns above are “curable” beginning with a change in your thinking. How you think and your emotional state of mind directly determines what you are capable of. The problem might be that you, like many health professionals, often get caught up in stress of life and work – and thus a vicious cycle of unhappiness and lack of success takes over.

How to Develop Cognitive Strategies of Unlimited Success

What I provide for my clients are personalized behavioral, emotional and cognitive strategies geared around certain aspects of their personal and professional life – this is because the personal and professional bleed into one another either helping or hurting our relationships, fitness, finances and ultimately our happiness. I know that this sounds dreary, and you might be in this or a similar place emotionally right now, but don’t despair! Personal and business success has rules.

About Your Professional Coach – Dr. Michael Wald

Dr. Michael Wald finds no greater pleasure than helping health care providers reinvent themselves and their professional practices so that they live lives that they love. Dr. Wald has been providing coaching services throughout his 30-yr career.

In addition to being a Life Coach, Dr. Wald earned an MD-diploma, Chiropractic degree, master’s in nutrition and is a dietitian and certified nutritional specialist. Dr. Wald has authored over 8 books on health and healing, including his bestsellers, The Anti-Aging Encyclopedia of Tests and Frankenfoods – GMO Dangers. Dr. Wald was the host of his natural health and healing show on PRN.FM and is still actively doing podcasts.  For over 30 years now, Dr. Wald continues to help practitioners develop mindful and effective strategies for propelling them towards professional success, having earned millions providing exceptional coaching and clinical services.

Freedom from Past Limitations

Being free from the hold of your past is a fundamental step towards creating a present and future that is fulfilling. When you take a purposeful look at your current life situation and compare it to the future that you want, you immediately recognize what’s “off”. Once you can distinguish what’s “off” you are free to reinvent that future that you have been dreaming about – a future of ease, fun, love, financial and personal freedom. However, to become free of your past limitations takes a special kind of coaching and focus – and this is what we can work on together!.

Below are some of the areas that seem to be common as a cause of frustration, lack of happiness and abundance for health professionals – all of which, and more, we will be exploring along our journey in the form of a coaching partnership – one in which I’ve got your back!

Ask yourself these questions and notice how you may not have clear answers. Lack of clarity will either severely limit or entirely prevent your efforts to achieve your goals, dreams and outcomes that you want…

Dr. Michael Wald focuses on his physical health just as much as his mental and intellectual health.

  • Your Vision – What does your perfect vision of your future look like? Is your vision too small? Is your vision compelling enough?
  • Your Purpose – What is your purpose in life? What is the purpose of your professional career to you? Why do you want success in life?
  • Resourcefulness – Do you feel that you lack resources or might you lack resourcefulness?
  • Results – What results do you want in your professional life? Why do you want them? Who will they serve?
  • Standards – What level of success, financial, emotional or other, are you willing to accept in life?
  • Winning – Have you set yourself up for failure or have you set yourself up to win?

Begin Your Coaching Adventure!

New rules, that allow for success to occur, are learnable once your mind and emotional state is open to them. Along these lines, you and I would begin our “coaching adventure” by identifying and exploring the areas of your life that have taken over and that you have essentially lost control over – or at least feel that you have. Remember, what Earl Nightingale said, “Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us”. Attitudes, like life’s successes and failures, come from the actions we take; and the actions that we take come from our belief systems and our emotional state of mind. The first and most important step toward success…is the feeling that we can succeed.

Brain-Washing Can Be Good for You!

As your professional coach, we will go through a structured process of “brain-washing” – that’s right! Think about it – if you continue NOT to achieve what you want in any area of your life, it often has to do with ineffective ways at which you are mentally operating. By mental operations I simply mean that you are thinking the same way about things over and over – giving you the same lack of results. If you have not achieved the unreasonable level of success that you deserve then we must undergo steps to “wash your brain” of fears, limitations, self-defeating attitudes and “internal conversations” that occupy your mind both consciously and unconsciously. Thankfully, I have a system that helps people consciously recognize their short falls in their thinking so that they are open to designing new patterns of thinking designed for achievement in any area of life.

Now it’s time to take action and click the button below and contact me. We will begin with a casual conversation during which you and I get clearer on what it is you want for your practice in terms of joy and financial success. I strongly believe that I am the person to help you achieve your goals and dreams simply because I have achieved so much professional success having made tens of millions of dollors in clinical practice, without dept and full of clinical and personal success as well. Let me help you do the same! Click the green button below and let’s get started today.

Thank you,

Dr. Michael Wald


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*DISCLAIMER: Dr. Michael Wald is a doctor of chiropractic with a Masters Degree in nutrition. He is also a Certified Dietitian Nutritionist and Sports Nutritionist. Dr. Wald is certified to provide acupuncture in several states, but not in New York. Dr. Wald has a Board Certifications in Nutrition. Dr. Michael Wald earned his MD diploma, but did not complete a residency and is thus not licensed to practice medicine. The information on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not to substitute for sound medical or health advice. Information contained within this website may change at any time without prior notice. The information on this website is under copyright, 2024.

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