The Blood Detective Longevity Program
Designed to Get You Healthy Again and Live Better Longer
What blood tests are best for measuring vitamins and minerals and other nutrients? There are different tests that measure amounts of nutrients in the blood, other tests that measure how well the nutrients work and other tests that measure absorption of nutrients. Here is what you need to know about your blood work…
What are the best blood tests for vitamin and mineral levels?
How does one test vitamin absorption?
What are the best blood tests for inflammation?
What are the best anti-aging tests?

Dr. Wald’s BloodDetective Method of lab interpretation often unlocks hidden nutritional solutions.
Are vitamin tests accurate? Yes and no. Vitamin tests of the serum and plasma measure how much of a given nutrient in the blood for the past 2-4 days only. There are functional tests that measure how well certain nutrients are used in the body and still others for vitamin absorption.
Dr. Wald has been practicing holistic nutrition for 30-yrs.
Dr. Wald is a doctor of chiropractic, graduated medical school and earned his MD degree, but is not licensed to practice medicine.
Dr. Wald holds a Masters degree in human nutrition and is a certified Nutrition Specialist – satisfying New York’s highest educational requirements for a nutritionist. Dr. Wald is also a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, a Sports Nutritionist and has a Personal Training Certificate. Dr. Wald is also double-board certified in nutritionist. You will be very hard pressed to find a more qualified doctor as Dr. Wald.
Dr. Wald has been is health expert for FOX, CNN, PBS, Channel 11 PIX, Channel 12, The Food Network and Channel 13. Dr. Wald has also contributed to dozens and dozens of health magazines, both professional and lay-person, on a large number of health and wellness topics.
Dr. Wald is host of his own successful radio show, Ask The Blooddetective. All of his shows appear each Saturday on and also under the Blog section of this website.
Dr. Wald is well known as the Blooddetective for his keen ability to find hidden problems using advanced and basic laboratory methods (urine, blood, etc.) and interpreting them in the context of nutritional solutions. Dr. Wald is also the inventor of a novel software program, called Blooddetective, that allows Dr. Wald to interpret complex and large amounts of patient lab results for their nutritional and medical meaning – this alone sets him apart from non-inventors.
Dr. Wald is author of over 10 books including Frankenfoods – GMO Dangers and The Encyclopedia of Anti-Aging Tests. His latter book is required reading for one of the largest nutrition certification bodies in the United States, The International & American Association of Clinical Nutritionists.
Dr. Wald practices what he preaches being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when he was 18 years old. Dr. Wald runs marathons (fast), lifts weights nearly every day and people say he physically looks no older than 40 and he is 53 years old. Dr. Wald has no physical limitations and has never taken medications for multiple sclerosis.
Finally, and importantly, Dr. Wald cares!
“I want people to get the most out of their lives. I want them to be able to climb a hill, play with their kids and grandkids, take a walk pain free and simply to be happy. I’m good at helping people get and stay healthy. It’s all that I do!”
The Blood Detective™ Laboratory and Wellness Approach
The right laboratory testing can make the difference between suffering for years or getting well in the shortest time possible. The wrong tests, or tests that do not reveal the cause(s) of your health problem(s), waste time and contribute to your suffering. Here is what you need to know about BlooDDetective testing:
If you have been told that your blood work is “normal” keep in mind that this means that your results fall within the average range for a man or a woman your age – this does not compare you to healthier or younger ranges. Dr.Wald will compare your blood results to “healthy” and not merely “normal” ranges.
If your blood tests are essentially normal (no major abnormalities), and you still do not feel well, according to Dr. Wald this means that you need a “New Normal”. You deserve to be treated like the individual that you are. Dr.Wald compares you to a “healthier version of yourself” determined by careful conversation with you and comparative advanced tests.
So you have had every test under the sun and still you are not well? Dr. Wald says, “in my 29 years of experience, when a person says this to me this really means that they are either missing key tests or that their tests were not interpreted appropriately. I always try and review prior tests that have been performed with my patients when we first meet. I often find that their are obvious answers right there in the tests that my patients were not told about.
Finally, the right tests for YOU depends on at least these factors: age and genetics, lifestyle including diet, stress levels and sleep hygiene, past and current health history, results of prior tests (important to put it all together), the types and dosages of nutritional supplements that you may take, your medications and other factors.
Dr. Wald investigates his patient’s biochemistry on an unprecedented level. Pulling knowledge and experience from several areas of health care including medicine, chiropractic and nutrition Dr. Wald brings his patients over 30 years of truly integrated care.