Osteoporosis Screening
Non irradiation sonogram testing
What is NO-radiation bone density screening?
Is a Dexa bone density scan dangerous? Why get a radiation Dexa Bone Density test when sonogram (non-radiation) bone density of the foot is available? Ask your doctor if the Achilles Bone Density can substitute for Dexa.
Can osteoporosis and osteopenia be reversed? Exercise of course counts, but reducing inflammation, a known contributor of bone loss, along with balancing hormone levels, improving nutrition and testing for malabsorption are essential for bone loss reversal.
Osteoporosis Screening
14. No Radiation Bone Density Test copyNo Radiation!!
Osteoporosis Screening – No Radiation!! Our method of bone density measurement uses the calcaneous – your heel bone. It is the most weight-bearing bone in the body. What’s best is that our technique uses sonogram (sound waves) and not x-ray radiation as conventional testing does, to accurately screen for loss of bone density (i.e., osteopenia and osteoporosis). Complementary medicine recognizes that degrading bone health may be secondary to absorption problems, chronic infections and disease, hormonal disorders and nutritional inadequacies. Osteoporosis screening is quick, painless and is part of a well-balanced nutritional and natural medicine approach. Please consult the information below and consider whether or not you should be tested.
Our bone densitometers is radiation free using high frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to evaluate bone status in the heel, the os calcis (the heal). The test is performed with the individual seated, with one foot placed on the foot positioner. The heel is surrounded by warm water encapsulated between inflated membranes. Water is the optimum medium for the transmission of ultrasound. A transducer on one side of the heel converts an electrical signal into a sound wave, which passes through the water and the individual’s heel. A transducer at a fixed distance on the opposite side of the heel receives the sound wave and converts it to an electrical signal that is analyzed. Our system measures the speed of sound (SOS) and the frequency-dependent attenuation of the sound waves (broadband ultrasound attenuation or BUA), and combines them to form a clinical measure called the Stiffness Index.
Strong bones allow for an active life!
Achilles Test for bone density (no radiation)
Osteoporosis is a condition where bones become weak to the point of breaking. This weakening may be due to aging, or caused by other factors that combine with age.
Important risk factors for osteoporosis include:
- Female
- Advanced Age
- An Existing Bone Fracture
- A Small Thin Frame
- Family History of Osteoporosis
- Removal of the Ovaries
- Early Menopause
- A Low Calcium Diet
- Lack of Exercise
- Eating disorders
- Certain Medications (Thyroid Medications, Steroids/Prednisones, Anticonvulsants, and Anticoagulants)
- Alcohol and Tobacco Use
According to WebMD –
“Feb. 20, 2001 — New ultrasound devices that take measurements from the heel of the foot and do not use dangerous radiation are expected to put bone health checkups within the reach of many more patients and doctors. British researchers report in the February Journal of Bone and Mineral Research that “quantitative ultrasound,” or QUS, is as accurate as X-ray bone mineral density scans for identifying patients who are at risk for fractures within the next few years.”
Who Should Have a Bone Density Test?
- NOF (The National Osteoporosis Foundation) recommends that you have a bone density test if:
- you are a woman age 65 or older
- you are a man age 70 or older
- you break a bone after age 50
- you are a woman of menopausal age with risk factors
- you are a postmenopausal woman under age 65 with risk factors
- you are a man age 50-69 with risk factors
- A bone density test may also be necessary if you have any of the following:
- an X-ray of your spine showing a break or bone loss in your spine
- back pain with a possible break in your spine
- height loss of ½ inch or more within one year
- total height loss of 1½ inches from your original height
Scientific References
Heel Ultrasound as a Predictor of Appendicular Bone Mineral Density – http://analytics.ncsu.edu/sesug/2001/P-716.pdf
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