Chiropractic care
Provided by Dr. Michael Wald for relief of pain, muscle spasm and freedom of motion
Does chiropractic work for back and neck pain? Yes, numerous studies have shown that regular chiropractic adjustments can restore range of motion throughout the spine, reduce and eliminate pain, eliminate muscle spasm, improve reaction time and improve energy.
Are there different types of chiropractic approaches? Yes, chiropractic uses both “cracking technique” that elicits a cracking sound during the chiropractic adjustment; the sound is from gas escaping in the joint space. There are also non-cracking methods such as applied kinesiology and activator. Dr. Wald also uses physical and physiotherapy (electrical devices) and acupuncture in some states.
Does chiropractic help headaches, muscle pain and stiffness? Yes, these issues are basic to chiropractic care.
Can chiropractic be combined with nutrition and exercise? Yes, Dr. Wald often recommends personalized exercise plans to work with the chiropractic adjustment along with both food and possibly nutritional supplement advice to maximize response to chiropractic treatments.
How long does it take for chiropractic to work? The time it takes for relief to occur varies with the individual in terms of the extent of their injuries, how well they comply with home care instructions and treatment recommendations. Age, medications, nutrition, stress, sleep and other lifestyle factors.
Chiropractic Choices!
More than one therapeutic technique to meet your therapeutic needs
Welcome to the wonderful world of Dr. Wald’s chiropractic and physio-therapy techniques!
Bottom line – the more choices that you have the greater the chance of you healing quickly.
“Ending pain, improving range of motion, strength and coordination is all possible when chiropractic healing techniques are expertly applied”, says Dr. Wald.
“I want you feeling better as fast as possible. I provide gentle chiropractic techniques with 29 years of clinical experience tailored to your injuries whether they be acute or chronic”, says Dr. Wald.
Drug-free approaches to pain-free living are often possible with the use of techniques based up these ideas –
Chiropractic Techniques Provided by Dr. Michael Wald, 2nd Generation Chiropractor
Applied Kinesiology Nutrition – this technique involves a deep knowledge of acupuncture meridians, nutrition, anatomy and neurology.
Diversified Chiropractic Technique – this is the “clicking and cracking” type of chiropractic.
Sacral-Occipital Nutrition – involves the use of acupuncture reflexes relative to how the cranial (head) bones relate to health and dysfunction relative to the pelvis (sacrum).
A knowledge of acupuncture reflexes
Traditional chiropractic associated with audible sounds when the vertebrae are realigned
Nutrition designed around your musculoskeletal problems. The very best chiropractic techniques are limited if your body has nutritional issues. Both acute and long-standing pain and arthritis syndromes increase nutritional requirements
The use of various forms of electro-therapy to increase range of motion, reduce pain and swelling, reduce muscle spasm and that target the nervous system to “teach it” how to produce its own pain-killers and anti-inflammatories