Detoxification, Elimination and Cleansing

For different kinds of toxins and health goals

  • Daily Detox improves health!

    Does natural detoxification work? Natural or nutritional detoxification can detoxify the body of specific unwanted substances or toxins. Different types of detoxification efforts work differently or not at all. Mercury for example is detoxified differently than arsenic and estrogens or inflammatory mediators.

  • What are common sources of toxins? Air, food and water may all contain toxins. It is not only your exposure to toxins that causes them to accumulate in the body, but also your bodies ability bind, transform, chelate and eliminate toxins so that they do not “bio-accumulate” over the course of your lifestime.

  • Can heavy metals be detoxified or removed from the body? Yes. Chelators such as NAC, EDTA, lipoic acid, zinc and others can remove heavy mettals when used correctly. Simply taking these or other chelators will not guarantee that heavy metals will be removed. Pre and post testing is needed to check detoxification efforts.

  • Can detoxification promote weight loss? Yes, the potential is there if the toxins are removed correctly. many toxins are fat soluble and “live” in fat tissue. The body will hold onto the fat to dilute the toxins. If you remove the fat soluble toxins by first identifying them, providing the correct foods, nutritional supplements and chelators, then weight loss can be accelerated.


Not every detox plan fits all!

Let The BlooDDetective help you develop your own personalized detox wellness plan.

See below for four of Dr. Wald’s radio shows on DETOXIFICATION.


Detox what? Mercury is different from cadmium which is detoxified differently from estrogen or toxins from fungi or bacteria resulting from a leaky gut. There is no one size fits all detox, there is only creating a detox plan based upon your comprehensive health needs. Testing and conversation plus questionnaire get down to what toxin(s) need detoxifying and how they should be removed. Plus, you must fix the toxin exposure and your organs that are not detoxifying properly.,,,l

The concept of detoxification, according to Dr. Michael Wald, has been misunderstood and is often incorrectly managed in the natural health care field, but there is a solution!  “Too many people that I see think that they are detoxing, but much of the time there is no detoxification happening at all. Here’s why…

Dr. Wald’s READ DETOX Plan is based upon the reality that different toxins often require different and even unique methods of detoxification. Also, toxins are removed naturally from the body through differing elimination pathways. The skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, lymphatics are just a few of the major detoxification pathways. When toxins are removed from the body they require specific detoxification compounds (i.e, medications, foods and nutritional supplements), but the health care provider must also consider which of the bodies detoxification pathways is the best way to rid the body of the toxin(s) in question. If, for example, a person’s kidneys or liver is diseased, then promoting detoxification through these organs could be dangerous. A “REAL” detoxification system must consider at least the following factors for “REAL” detoxification:

1.     The entirety of your health and medical history

2.     The entirety of a person’s body chemistry with testing of most if not all body systems.

3.     The toxin or toxins to be eliminated.

4.     Consideration of when, how and to what extent the toxin(s) should be removed.

5-Part Detox Show Series

Detox Deception 1

Detox Deception 2

Detox Deception 3

Detox Deception 4

Detox Deception 5


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*DISCLAIMER: Dr. Michael Wald is a doctor of chiropractic with a Masters Degree in nutrition. He is also a Certified Dietitian Nutritionist and Sports Nutritionist. Dr. Wald is certified to provide acupuncture in several states, but not in New York. Dr. Wald has a Board Certifications in Nutrition. Dr. Michael Wald earned his MD diploma, but did not complete a residency and is thus not licensed to practice medicine. The information on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not to substitute for sound medical or health advice. Information contained within this website may change at any time without prior notice. The information on this website is under copyright, 2024.

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