ALLEXPERT.COM response from Dr. Michael Wald on: NASAL SYMPTOMS
Dear Dr. Wald, My nose has swollen significantly. It has been gradually swelling over the last year. It has at least enlarged by a third, the nasal tip has become soft and rounded, the nose has thickened, and it is now internally more spacious with some enlargement of the nostrils. An ENT specialist checked my nose internally and told me that there was no sign of a disease process and quickly discharged me. Since then i have been explaining all my symptoms in detail to several online certified Specialists, and they all agree that i have chronic tissue inflammation caused by an allergen, most likely by my use of steroids (medication), resulting in cell growth hypertrophy. My question is, could a well-balanced immune system (using effective immunomodulators) help reverse this swelling and inflammation of my nose, restoring it back to its original size and shape? If so then please give some suggestions and advice! Best Regards.
You say that your nose seems swollen, is growing, nostril widening and also your nasal tip is “soft and rounded”. Your visit to the ENT did not reveal a disease process. It is very easy for an ENT to see an infection or a tissue process within the nose. If the outside of your nose or nasal anatomy has been effected an ENT may not appreciate this because it may look normal to him/her even though it has changed from your normal anatomy. Steroids do not cause swelling and tissue growth so the nutritionists that you have consulted are incorrect about this. Steroids, such as the corticosteroids, cause tissue atrophy (thinning) and this would cause a loss or thinning of tissue inside your nose. Almost never would corticosteroids cause the symptoms that you are describing here; but you could be a rare exception. I believe that you should visit with an endocrinologist (a hormone doctor) as the tissue changes could represent hormonal issues manifesting as nasal (nose) issues with you. For example, excessive androgen hormone production (i.e., too much testosterone or DHEA) may enlargement of the outside of the nose. If this is the case, and once the hormonal issues (if they exist) are corrected, the tissues may go back to normal but commonly they do not…only time will tell. In terms of nutrition, nutrition must always be directed to the cause of the symptoms and we do not know the cause here.
I hope that this clarification helps.
Regards, Dr. Michael Wald, DC, MD, CDN Blood Detective