ALLEXPERT.COM response from Dr. Michael Wald on: intestinal infection
Question: Hello, I’m 35 years old. I have a bad stomach pain. It rower and I have a sour test in my mouth. I went to a doctor and got tested. My lab result showed i have a stomach bacteria. The doctor prescribe Sulamethoxazole and Trimethoprim. the problem is i’m allergic to this medicine. i’m also allergic to sipro and co- trimoxazole. will you suggest alternative medicine that could cure me?thank you
From what you are writing it sounds like you have a bacterial (stomach/and maybe also small intestine) infection known as Helicobacter pylori. This is probably the most common infection of human beings. Most people that have it never have symptoms at all, but in many GERD (gastroesophageal reflux or heart burn results). GERD can cause chest pain and/or a feeling of burning and soar taste in the mouth. Traditionally, this infection is treated with “triple therapy” consisting of two varying antibiotics and an antacid. The cure rate for this infection is approximately 70%, but it can and often does reoccur. Natural medicine is effective for eradicating this infection, in my experience, approximately 30% of the time. Dietary and various vitamins and herbs used along with the triple therapy have a higher eradication therapy and, importantly, reduce the incidence of infection recurrence and side-effects substantially. The therapy you have described was likely recommended by an internist and not an experienced gastroenterologist as it is not consistent with treatment guidelines, at least not in the United States. Considering that you have known allergic reactions to these medications it is up to your doctor to determine, very carefully, what other medications you can tolerate and that will have the greatest chance of working. As far as nutritional products that help this condition consider the following all found at:
1. Reds Protect 2. Purple Longevity 3. Green Detox 4. Zinc picolinate 5. Vitamin E 6. Krill Oil 7. (Deglycerrinated licorish): available in most health food stores and not
Keep in mind that even with successful eradication therapy (with medications) your symptoms may take weeks, months and sometimes years to resolve.
I do hope that this information helps.
Regards, Dr. Michael Wald, DC, MD, CDN Blood Detective