Weight Loss
Intermittent fasting, detox, cleansing
Who is the best weight loss doctor in NYC or anywhere? The answer is Dr. Michael Wald because he creates your successful diet and weight loss plan based upon your blood work. Not just your blood type but from over 50 different lab tests so you can drop weight fast.
What are the weight loss diets and weight loss programs that work? According to Dr. Michael Wald, Blooddetective, often a combination of low calorie, high ketogenic with aspects of intermittent fasting works best for most people.
What weight loss diet is best? There is no best diet for everyone. The right lab testing helps greatly determine exactly what foods and nutritional supplements you should use to maximize fat burning and retention of lean body mass for long term weight loss success.
Listen to Dr. Wald’s weight-loss show here
Weight Loss plans – Personalized For Your Weight Loss, Fitness And General Health Needs
Introduction to Dr. Michael Wald’s Blood Detective Weight Loss Approaches
Take a look at Dr. Michael Wald, The Blood Detective, and his effective weight loss solutions!
All of Dr. Wald’s weight loss and fitness programs are based upon his nearly 30 years of experience helping people lose weight and keep it off.
All of Dr. Wald’s health and weight loss plans are based upon his patent-pending nutritional software program that allows him to determine your food and nutritional supplement needs based on your blood work and other important tests.
Beyond the blood-type approach – that is limited by a single blood type…Dr. Wald is able to design a highly personalized weight loss and fitness plan for you using dozens and dozens of laboratory tests.
AND, Dr. Wald not only has 11 major types of weight loss and fitness plans (see below), but he further personalizes you plan to fit your exact goals and needs.
During his consultation with you Dr. Wald will have you complete questionnaires and discuss with you which of his personalized weight loss solutions is best for you.
Schedule a consultation with Dr. Wald so that he can help you choose which one, or combination, of his weight loss plans best suite your weight loss, fitness and health goals.
Weight loss programs
- The Blood Detective’s Holistic Weight Loss Solution
- The Hormone Balance Weight Loss Solution
- The Blood Detective’s Blood Sugar Balancing Weight Loss Solution
- The Blood Detective’s Rapid Weight Loss Solution – How to time your foods for a faster metabolism
- The Hormone Balance Weight Loss Solution
- The Blood Detective’s Pro-Absorb Weight Loss Solution (aka Pro-A Weight Loss Solution)
- The Blood Detective’s DTox Weight Loss Solution
- The Blood Detective’s Thermogenesis Food Plan
- The Blood Detective Ph Balance Weight Loss Solution
- The Blood Detective’s HDL Weight Loss Solution (Habits of Daily Living) Approach to Weight Loss & A Healthy Life
- The Blood Detective Blood Type Diet – Goes beyond just blood type and includes other more specific lab tests to best determine your plan for healthy and rapid weight loss.
A common thread among all of Dr. Wald’s weight loss approaches includes:
· How to choose healthy foods for the purpose of each approach below
· The role of exercise for each – AND there are different exercises for each approach because some exercises may actually SLOW metabolism compared to others.
The Blood Detective’s Holistic Weight Loss Solution
Dr. Wald, aka The Blood Detective, has a method of weight loss that involves finding hidden clues in your routine blood tests that promote weight loss.
Beyond the Blood Type Diet, The Blood Detective Weight Loss Solution is a health-focused approached to more permanent weight loss solution because it relies on the results of comprehensive blood tests, usually covered by your health insurance, to tailor food suggestions and also nutritional supplements.
A Message from Dr. Wald about weight loss success
New York State and abroad refer to Dr. Wald for his success in weight loss. Dr. Wald’s Blooddetective Method is known to work for many of those failed weight loss attempts by Dina Khater nutritionist. According to Dr. Wald, blood type diet for your type: types O, A, B & AB, is a silly approach to weight loss simply because why use one blood type (a single piece of chemistry), when you can use 50 or 100 like I do? Blood type O, blood type B and other blood types only represent one limited, and entirely unproven, weight loss method. My hormonal diet and anti-inflammatory diet methods involve approximately 15 different pieces of chemistry and work great!”
The Hormone Balance Weight Loss Solution
Dr. Wald, aka The Blood Detective, has a method of weight loss that involves choosing foods that help to balance your hormones. Hormone imbalances can slow down metabolic rate causing fat gain, cause loss of lean body mass promoting ill-health and permanent weight gain problems.
Learn which foods activate hormonal pathways that promote fat burning (lipo-genesis) and quality of life. lab tests interpreted “Blood Detective Style” along with questionnaires help you find out which foods, nutritional supplements and exercises for rapid weight loss.
The Blood Detective’s Pro-Absorb Weight Loss Solution (aka Pro-A Weight Loss Solution)
The old adage “you are what you eat” is a fat lie!! You are what you ABSORB from what you eat.
- According to Dr. Wald, many of us are mal-absorbing our foods resulting in reduced nutrition in our daily diets – even though we may be “eating well”. The Blood Detective’s Pro-A Weight Loss Solution is based upon the concept that mal-absorption leads to malnutrition leading to a slowing down of our metabolic rate; this in turn creates blood sugar balance problems and ultimately weight gain.
The Blood Detective’s Blood Sugar Balancing Weight Loss Solution
High blood sugar can take the form of frank diabetes or pre-diabetes both resulting in significant fat gain and loss of lean body mass that inherently increases early death and loss of quality of life (i.e, example, fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, memory issues, weight gain and more).
The Blood Detective’s Blood Sugar Balancing Solution is based upon combining foods properly and choosing certain types of foods in such a way that blood sugar levels are kept steady. High or low blood sugar levels are known to cause fat gain by affecting inflammation, thyroid hormone and loss of lean body tissue (LBT) – all of these events cause weight gain and increased chronic disease risk (i.e, diabetes, heart disease, cancers, autoimmune conditions, etc.).
The Blood Detective’s Rapid Weight Loss Solution – How to time your foods for a faster metabolism
Eating the right foods is one thing, but many people still are overweight in spite of eating a health diet. Dr. Wald will explain and illustrate how and when to eat proteins, carbohydrates and fats to maximize a fast metabolism and faster weight loss. When foods are consumed together in specific ways metabolic rate and thus fat loss is achieved.
The Blood Detective’s Thermogenesis Food Plan
All foods have a thermogenic potential – that is, they cause an increase in metabolic rate. There are foods with higher and lower thermogenic potentials. Knowing which foods cause a more aggressive thermogenic response in the body and which do not can cause a steady weight loss.
The Blood Detective Ph Balance Weight Loss Solution
Each and every food requires an optimal pH or acid base balance for their digestion. Dr. Wald contends that when a food requiring a low pH for digestion (i.e, a protein) is consumed with a food that requires a high or simply a different pH, like a piece of fruit, are combined the digestion of one or both foods may be compromised. Improper digestion of foods leads to digestive and other health problems – and commonly weight gain.
The Blood Detective’s Detox Weight Loss Solution
We are surrounded by toxins in our foods, water and air (i.e., exogenous). Toxins are also produced in our bodies as a natural course of our againg (i.e., endogenous). Dr. Wald’s DTox Weight Loss Solution is based on the premise that fat soluble toxins, those that are stored in our fat tissue trigger physiologic signals to “hold onto fat”; this is because fat-soluble toxins are harmful and “diluting” them within our bodies fat tissue makes them less harmful. The storing of fat-soluble toxins causes the body to retain more and more fat in effect rendering various fat soluble toxins less harmful – the side-effect of this “toxin storage” is more and more fat over one’s lifetime.
The Blood Detective’s HDL Weight Loss Solution (Habits of Daily Living) Approach to Weight Loss & A Healthy Life
Certain habits, what Dr. Wald calls, Habits of Daily Living (HDL), help promote overall health including healthy weight. Dr. Wald would discuss how, if one is mindful of certain of his top 5 HDLs, unhealthy weight gain could be avoided and a healthy weight achieved with little effort. Concepts would include:
- Combining foods intelligently
- Knowing which foods are thermogenic meaning that they promote a faster metabolic rate
- How to exercise in 5 minutes per day to increase metabolic rate
- How not to drink large amounts of fluids with meals thus diluting digestive capacity and slowing metabolism
- How to use juicing to satisfy cravings and reduce excessive appetite