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An excerpt from Dr. Michael Wald’s upcoming book, Frankenfoods – Controversy, Lies & Your Health available in 4 weeks!! Order your copy today (www.intmedny.com).

The concern that I and a large percentage of the scientific, health care and environmental groups and the public have is that it may take decades to fully appreciate the negative impact of genetically modified food consumption upon the public. I have heard pro-GMO geneticists claim there is no evidence that GMOs pose a health threat because people have been eating GMOs since the 1990s, and if real dangers existed, people would be dropping like flies. I believe that this statement is a misrepresentation or at least it is not based upon careful scientific scrutiny: since the introduction of GMOs, people are experiencing an increased risk of various diseases including some cancers, gastrointestinal problems and autoimmune disease, just to name a few…people ARE dropping like flies. Who is to say that GMO consumption is not to blame, or is not at least a contributor to the deterioration of our health and environment? One cannot rule these possibilities either out or in at this point. In the meantime, I urge people to avoid GMOs until more scientific studies have examined their impact upon human health and our environment worldwide. To paraphrase Star Trek’s Mr. Spock, when you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. 


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*DISCLAIMER: Dr. Michael Wald is a doctor of chiropractic with a Masters Degree in nutrition. He is also a Certified Dietitian Nutritionist and Sports Nutritionist. Dr. Wald is certified to provide acupuncture in several states, but not in New York. Dr. Wald has a Board Certifications in Nutrition. Dr. Michael Wald earned his MD diploma, but did not complete a residency and is thus not licensed to practice medicine. The information on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not to substitute for sound medical or health advice. Information contained within this website may change at any time without prior notice. The information on this website is under copyright, 2024.

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