What Exactly Are Genetically Modified Foods? And Is Corn A Pesticide Factory?

Dr. Michael Wald, author of the upcoming book Frankenfoods – Controversy, Lies & Your Health, offers a riveting perspective of the GMO predicament exploring governmental and industry cover-ups, health dangers, environmental threats, GMO-free food plans and recipes, nutritional supplements and other practical solutions.  Dr. Wald declares, “The GMO dilemma is here to stay and anyone interested in protecting their health and that of their loved ones, friends and the planet, must educate themselves and take political and personal action right now!”  Considering the importance of this information Dr. Wald asks that you re-tweet his GMO links and follow him on Twitter –  @DrMichaelWald. Thank you.

(Dr. Michael Wald can be reached at Integrated Medicine of Mount Kisco in Westchester, NY by calling 914-552-1442 or by emailing him at: info@blooddetective.com.


The term “genetically modified organism” (GMO) refers to an organism whose genetic material has been modified due to genetic engineering techniques. Genetic modification technologies are used to alter the makeup of organisms such as animals, plants and bacteria. GMOs are the source of many modified foods and are used widely in scientific research to produce other goods as well. In 2006, eight countries grew 97% of the global crops with artificially modified genes: the United States (53%), Argentina (17%), Brazil (11%), Canada (6%), India (4%), China (3%), Paraguay (2%) and South Africa (1%). Within the next decade researchers expect to see a dramatic increase in the use of GMOs and GM technologies in industrialized nations.


Corn Is a Pesticide Factory

Genetically modified organisms such as corn produce their own pesticides. Each ear of corn is literally a “drug manufacturing plant”! Proponents of GMOs frequently claim that current methods used to genetically modify foods are identical to, or not substantially different from, the method naturally occurring in the environment without human intervention. I will venture to say you will never find corn naturally farmed or grown in the wild that has the ability to produce a toxic pesticide all by itself!

 Gene Gun

One of the most common methods used to insert genes into a target genetic material or DNA (e.g., corn or soy) is the biolistic method. This method involves using a gene gun to shoot into the target’s DNA source a gene or two that carry the desired trait. However, unexpected results from this method may occur including, but not limited to, disrupting the entire genetic sequence of the target, up-regulating genes, down-regulating genes, causing genes to be silent and other unpredictable or undesired effects. These effects are referred to by geneticists as “default effects.”

One theoretically possible default effect of this “transgenic gene manipulation” is cancer. Cancer, in part, results in the inappropriate up-regulation of genes known as oncogenes (cancer genes). The changes in the genetic sequence of the target (i.e., seeds) may theoretically result in allergies to new proteins, to gene products or to the original source of the gene or genes (e.g., peanuts) being blasted into the target foods. Those concerned with transgenic modification of foods recognize that new toxins could be produced by the target foods, making them unhealthy or outright toxic to humans. Additional concerns include the potential for nutritional deficiencies, adverse nutritional changes and antibiotic resistance. A myriad of health problems are possible, according to some studies – many of them have occurred in test animals and humans, including negative effects on the testicles and reproduction in men and women, the immune system, blood cells, kidney, liver, pancreas and intestinal tract.


Chichosz, G. and Wiackowski, S., “Genetically modified food — great unknown,” Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski, August 2012.

The study states that genetically modified foods create a threat to the health of the consumer. Transgenic plants contain DNA that is unstable, which makes it possible for foreign proteins and proteins that could contribute to allergies to synthesize. GMOs are digested much more slowly than their conventional counterparts, which could lead to alimentary canal diseases, as toxins in the foods, such as Bt toxin, are in the body for long periods of time. Roundup pesticide is especially harmful when in the body, and can lead to cancer as it disturbs human hormonal metabolism.

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*DISCLAIMER: Dr. Michael Wald is a doctor of chiropractic with a Masters Degree in nutrition. He is also a Certified Dietitian Nutritionist and Sports Nutritionist. Dr. Wald is certified to provide acupuncture in several states, but not in New York. Dr. Wald has a Board Certifications in Nutrition. Dr. Michael Wald earned his MD diploma, but did not complete a residency and is thus not licensed to practice medicine. The information on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not to substitute for sound medical or health advice. Information contained within this website may change at any time without prior notice. The information on this website is under copyright, 2024.

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