Kick off your New Year with Dr. Wald’s Kick-Butt-Immunity DETOX-For-Weight Loss Solution’s Program
About Your Instructor – Dr. Michael Wald
Dr. Wald has been providing his patients and the public with his cutting-edge and original methods of health and detoxification for over 20-years. This course will incorporate many of Dr. Wald’s “Longevity Secrets” as they will appear in his upcoming book entitled:
The Blood Detective’s Longevity Secrets – Fast Metabolism, Abundant Energy & Sharp Memory.
Dr. Wald presents practical methods for losing weight, improving immunity and reducing disease risk. Who better than Dr. Michael Wald, recognized television personality, author, inventor and clinician to teach you all you need to know to jump-start your metabolism and health? It helps that Dr. Wald practice’s what he preaches running marathons, lifting weights, juicing daily and he even takes his vitamin pills!
The DETOX-Weight Loss 3-Week, 3-Session Program includes:
Two breakthrough advanced nutritional products to help build a strong and healthy body! Check them out here:
KickButtImmunity Drink:
KickButtImmunity-2 Spray:
Several other products are including during your participation. Products to help you succeed are based on upon your scores when you complete Dr. Wald’s “Blood Detective Longevity Health Questionnaire”. This is the very first time that this questionnaire will be unveiled to the public. Dr. Wald will introduce it “to the world” as part of his upcoming new book in 2013 entitled, The Blood Detective’s Longevity Secrets – Fast Metabolism, Abundant Energy & Sharp Memory.
Sign-up for Dr. Wald’s 3 session, 3 week DETOX-WEIGHT LOSS program and let Dr. Wald help you achieve Weight Loss, Abundant Energy & a Powerful Immune System.
Tuition: $475 before discount. All supplies included. $75 off tuition for the first 10 registrants (limited to 30).
Location: At Integrated Medicine of Mount Kisco.
Dates/Time: 6pm – 9PM Tuesday evenings January 15th, 22nd and 29th.
Sign up by calling Dr. Wald directly at: 914-242-8844 (Ext. 1)
Dr. Wald provides this program only once every few years so take advantage of this rare opportunity!