Antioxidants – Questions & Answers
By Dr. Michael Wald
1. What made you interested in learning more about nutrition?
My fascination with nutrition began when I was around 15 or 16 yrs old. My father was a chiropractor and a nutritional expert at the time. He would read voraciously and he would teach me little things here and there that would interest me. He would say, “the difference between too much beta-carotene (an antioxidant) and liver disease is that only the skin and not the whites of the eyes get yellow. My dad, Dr. George Wald, was a frequent guest on Dr. Carlton Fredricks’s radio show on WOR – Fredrick’s was an original nutrition icon. My dad gave me the original Life Extension book, which was over 300 pages, and I read it in a week! I was hocked. When I was 18 yrs old I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and my life became about my health and that extended into finding healing solutions naturally for others. I later developed a software program called Blood Detective which allows quick and accurate nutritional interpretation of all sorts of laboratory tests; with this technology, I can truly develop personalized/individualized healing plans for myself and my patients.
2. What are antioxidants?
Antioxidants are molecules that interfere with reactions in the body called oxidation. Oxidation is the process responsible for breaking down various cells in the body so that they can be replaced. A certain amount of oxidation is therefore necessary for repair of all body tissues. Too much oxidation results in aging and premature aging. Antioxidants therefore interfere with oxidation; thus they are ANTI-oxidants. The term antioxidants is a misnomer because the so-called antioxidants can act as oxidants in the body as well. How “antioxidants” act in the body depends upon the balance or imbalance of other so called “antioxidants” in the individual. Sometimes I want to produce an oxidant effect in the body and not an antioxidant effect. For example, intravenous vitamin C is an oxidant (NOT an antioxidant) and this is why it kills cancer cells. Oral vitamin C can also be used as an antioxidant, but in my opinion is not as easily achieved for this purpose.
3. What are some of the antioxidants that are found in fruit?
Antioxidants in fruits include vitamins C and the flavonoids antioxidants that include catechin, epicatechin, quercetin and anthocyanidin. There are literally tens of thousands of antioxidants in fruits, and it is important to consume a large variety of fruits to help insure intake of as many of these healing elements as possible. I have designed three products that contain dozens and dozens of fruits and vegetables; this makes it easier to consume the equivalent of dozens of pieces of fruits and vegetables per day with just a few scoops of my dehydrated powders.
4. Is it important to buy organic fruit? Why or why not?
Eating organic fruits is very important whenever possible. It is scientifically known that the consumption of pesticides, fungicides and herbicides can increase cancer risk, promote and cause neurologic disease and cause many other health problems.
5. What are some of your favorite fruits? Why? My favorite fruits are the one’s that contain the most important balance of not only antioxidants but dozens of other healthful ingredients. They include: blueberries, blackberries, cherries , black raspberries, black currents, plumbs, elderberries, bilberries, figs, raisons, Goji berries, pomegranate, Acai fruit, grape seeds, apples, cranberries, oranges, prunes and strawberries. I have combined all of these and many more in my nutritional products Reds Protect, Purple Longevity and Green Detox.
6. Do you eat fruit every day? If so, what do you eat?
Yes for sure! Consume as much as many fruits as you can daily if you want to promote longevity and reduce your chronic disease risk. Every day drink six scoops of my products dissolved in a fruit of veggie smoothie. So good!
7. Do you take any antioxidant supplements? If so, which ones and why?
In addition to my products Reds protect, Purple Longevity and Green’s Detox I take extra supplements of antioxidants. The reason for this is that I am a marathon runner and I work long hours. Take a few select antioxidants in addition to the many contained in my products helps to guarantee that certain antioxidants that my genetics, health history, laboratory work and other stressors demand that I get. These include resveratrol, vitamin E and selenium, lots of buffered vitamin C powder, lipoic acid and bioflavonoids.
8. When it comes to fruit is there anything we should watch out for?
Many people are concerned about the sugar content of fruit. It’s true that “sugar” is bad, but the bad sugar is glucose and sucrose found in refined and processed foods and desserts. Fruit sugar is fructose combined with hundreds or thousands of healthful antioxidants and other nutrients, fiber and water that are not harmful to the body of most people – just the opposite in fact! Even most diabetics have no problem, and experience health benefits, from consuming fruits of all varieties. However, if a person is known to be sensitive or allergic to certain fruits they should be avoided. If a person determines that their blood sugar reacts badly (increases or decreases too dramatically, after consuming fruits then these fruits have caused a hyper (high)- or hypo (low)- glycemic reaction and should either be avoided or combined with protein or fiber to make them tolerable.
9. What is the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist? Which one are you?
A dietician is a licensed health care provider that is qualified to give advice regarding nutritional intake during all phases of life during health and disease. They are generally not trained in the use of herbs, vitamins, additional supplements of minerals and other nutritional compounds. The dietetic training teaches that all of our nutritional needs can and should solely be obtained by a balanced diet. A nutritionist is a general term and does not define whether or not an individual “nutritionist” is actually licensed or has any formalized training. A certified nutritional specialist (CNS) is a nutritional professional recognized by some states. Some states do not require licensure at all causing a glut of unqualified “nutritionist”. There are also board certifications in nutrition. I am a licensed Dietician Nutritionist and CNS. I also have two board certifications in nutrition and hold a master’s degree in nutrition.
10. How can we best insure that we get in levels of antioxidants that supply our daily needs and might help offset our risk of chronic degenerative diseases?
It is best of course to consume a large variety of fruits and vegetables from all sources. Nuts and seeds also contain antioxidants. I am not of the belief that diet is enough, particularly considering how toxic our world has become environmentally speaking. Stress, genetics, medications, exercise (or lack of it), various disease states and other factors increase our need of antioxidants exponentially according to my clinical experience and scientific studies. I would suggest that people consider super-food products like my Red’s Protect, Green’s Detox, Longevity Complete and Longevity Factors. These products are the product of my years of research. I personally use them and so do most of my patients. More information about these products can be found on my website at: