50 Reasons Why Sugar is Bad
By Dr. Michael Wald and Mr. Sunny Seward
1. Sugar can suppress the immune system
2. Sugar off sets the mineral balance within the body
3. Sugar increases inflammation
4. Sugar lowers cellular and humeral immunity
5. Sugar can cause heart and vessel disease
6. Sugar can cause diabetes
7. Sugar can cause fatigue
8. Sugar can worsen infections
9. Sugar increases fasting glucose levels
10. Sugar can cause tooth decay
11. Sugar contributes to obesity
12. Sugar causes copper deficiency
13. Sugars reduces HDL
14. Sugar can cause Heart Disease
15. Sugar can elevate LDL (bad cholesterol)
16. Sugar can cause depression
17. Sugar feeds cancer
18. Sugar can exacerbate premenstrual syndrome
19. Sugar causes varicose veins
20. Sugar can contribute to acne
21. Sugar may contribute to memory loss
22. Sugar causes loss of nutrition through the urine including chromium and magnesium
23. Sugar suppresses the release of HGH (Human Growth Hormone)
24. Sugar can increase the aging process
25. Sugar raises insulin levels and insulin resistance
26. Sugar increases triglyceride levels in the blood
27. Sugar can cause hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia
28. Sugar can contribute to anxiety
29. Sugar can contribute to the cause of multiple sclerosis
30. Sugar contributes to saliva and blood acidity
31. Sugar can increase cholesterol
32. Sugar can contribute to ADHD in children
33. Sugar can impair absorption of protein
34. Sugar can perpetuate insulin resistance
35. Sugar can cause drowsiness
36. Sugar contributes to food allergies
37. Sugar causes eczema
38. Sugar can impair the structure of DNA in children
39. Sugar can cause atherosclerosis
40. Sugar lowers enzyme function
41. Sugar causes constipation
42. Too much sugar affects sex hormones
43. Sugar causes acid reflux
44. Sugar may contribute to high blood pressure
45. Sugar causes migraines
46. Sugar causes atrophy of the muscle
47. Sugar decreases healing time
48. Sugar contributes to the cause of metabolic syndrome
49. Sugar causes chronic fatigue
50. Sugar can contribute to Alzheimer’s Disease