High Fiber Diet Good or Bad?
High Fiber Diet Good or Bad? By Dr. Michael Wald
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We have all heard that eating a high fiber diet is a healthy thing. Is it? First of all, you should know that there are two main types of fiber, namely soluble and insoluble. Nutritionists and doctors alike are doing away with these terms because most foods have combinations of both types of fiber. In short, soluble fiber is the type of fiber that when mixed with water dissolves. Insoluble fiber is the type that when mixed with water does not dissolve.
Each of these types of fibers has some similar and also very different potential affects upon the human body. Insoluble fiber tends to lower cholesterol. While soluble fiber helps lower blood sugar, but these are just generalizations and certainly may not be the whole story for most people. Various types of fibers are found in all variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds. An individual should never supplement fiber without the help of a trained clinical nutritionist because fiber may interfere negatively with many nutritional supplements, reducing their absorption. Furthermore, fiber may adversely interfere with medications, reducing their intended affects.
Overall, however, I believe that fiber is generally safe, certainly far safer than most non-prescription, not to mention prescription medications and the pro’s of eating a high fiber diet far outweigh the con’s. Increasing fiber in one’s diet will have a favorable affect upon quickening detoxification in the body and particularly the colon; it will increase the numbers of beneficial bacteria in the body; will increase one’s endogenous or in-body production of B vitamins and vitamin K; helps the colon produce anti-cancer elements, including, but not limited to butyrate and caprylic acid. Healthy intestinal flora, namely lactobacillus acidophils, bifidus and other “healthy bugs” require fibers as a fuel source.
Bad since you need less fiber to help yourself not getting into fat, etc. It cause aging go more faster. So avoid eating or eat less of fibers for a better look.
Fantastic article. Thank you so much
That comment was @anti-aging treatment
Eating less fiber will reduce the intestinal production of healthy bacteria which causes the accumulation of toxins in the intestines and potentially with in the body. Fiber also favorably balances hormone levels which can improve appearance, energy and improve one’s sense of health and wellbeing.