Q & A: The Many Faces of Malabsorption/Malnutrition (M/M)
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If you can answer even half of the questions below, you might consider yourself an expert in malnutrition/
malabsorption, abbreviated MM issues.
TRUE OR FALSE: Testing for MM disorders are routinely done by most doctors?
ANSWER: False. In fact, most gastroenterologist do not routinely perform tests for MM. When they do, our
experience is that testing is woefully incomplete.
TRUE OR FALSE: MM problems may mimic other health problems such as multiple sclerosis, nerve problems,
headaches, osteoporosis, infections and various intestinal disorders to name a few?
ANSWER: True. Defi ciencies of nutrients may result in breakdown of many cellular, tissue and organ systems.
TRUE OR FALSE: MM is a term used to refer only to Celiac Disease (CD)?
ANSWER: False. CD is a malabsorption disorder caused by an autoimmune reaction to dietary gluten found in
barley, rye, oats and wheat. However, there are several other forms of MM including, but not limited to, nonceliac
gluten intolerance, atrophic gastritis, increased indicant, parasite disorders, cows’ milk intolerance, soy milk
intolerance, fructose malabsorption, Lactase defi ciency inducing lactose intolerance (constitutional, secondary or
rarely congenital), sucrose intolerance, Intestinal disaccharidase defi ciency, Intestinal enteropeptidase defi ciency,
cystic fi brosis, chronic pancreatitis, carcinoma of pancreas, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, Bile salt malabsorption,
terminal ileal disease, obstructive jaundice, bacterial overgrowth.
TRUE OR FALSE: Most gastroenterologists routinely test for various forms of MM?
ANSWER: False. Unfortunately, many of our patients have needlessly suffered for many months and even years from various health problems
resulting from nutritional and metabolic problems from MM syndromes.
Which signs and symptoms below are sometimes caused by MM syndromes?
a. Diarrhea, fl oating stool, bloating, gas
b. Weight loss and growth retardation
c. Swelling or edema of the face, hands, lets and other body regions
d. Fatigue and weakness
e. Muscle cramps, osteopenia and osteoporosis
f. Easy bruising and bleeding problems
ANSWER: All of the above are true.
TRUE OR FALSE: Many MM disorders will respond only to high doses of oral supplements, intramuscular vitamin shots and/or intravenous
nutrition drips?
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW – Our office is has succeeded where others have failed to uncover MM disorders. Please visit our website or call
us for more information.
Listen to Dr. Michael Wald’s audio show, Blood Detective for more information about this topic. Call and ask for a free copy of Blood Detective Radio Shows. Thirteen hours of natural health care secrets.
QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR HEALTH? Call Integrated Medicine & Nutrition at 914-242-8844 or visit www.intmedny.com