Are you a Gluten-A-Holic Part 2 of 3 shows
SPONDORED BY: / National Drug
Are you a Gluten-A-Holic? Dr. Michael Wald, author of his FREE online book, Gluten-A-Holic – The Dangers of Gluten & How to Avoid them (available as of June 2015 at:, says, “YES”!
Dr. Wald says, “Most of the planet consumes foods that contain gluten. Gluten is overwhelmingly unhealthy for most of us because of the fact that farming of wheat products (the major source of harmful gluten) is a recent occurrence in the evolution of human beings – this means that our bodies digestive, immune and other organ systems have not evolved to handle this food. A wide variety of symptoms can result from gluten consumption including, weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, neurological problems, gastrointestinal issues, headaches, skin problems, cancers and mental illnesses. Avoid it at all costs”!
Schedule your FREE 15-minute consultation with Dr. Michael Wald, nicknamed the Blood Detective, to discuss your health issues by calling: 914-552-1442 or submitting the Contact Form.