Why Take Nutritional Supplements?

  • The average American consumes below the RDI/RDV (Recommended Daily Intakes and Values) values of several important nutrients.  Nutritional deficiencies are very common and contribute to many varied diseases and compromised quality of life.
  • The RDI/RDV values represent the lowest levels of nutrients required to prevent deficiency in a certain segment of the population.  These values DO NOT represent IDEAL levels of nutrition – just the minimum not to prevent a deficiency disease!
  • Optimal health generally requires higher amounts of nutrients (optimal amounts).  A high quality diet is necessary, a multivitamin and sometimes other nutrients depending upon your age, your level of health, genetics and other factors.
  • Thousands of scientific studies have demonstrated that many common degenerative diseases can be prevented with optimal levels of nutrition.  YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU EAT! You are what you absorb what you eat! Many people do not absorb nutrition from there foods and do not know it until it is too late.
  • You would have to consume large quantities of foods to make up for some nutritional inadequacies that nutritional supplements can correct.  A nutritional blood test and consultation with a clinical nutritionist can help!
  • Nutritional supplements provide concentrated amounts of nutrients that even very large amounts of foods cannot meet.  Thousands of scientific studies have proved the value of nutritional supplements based on individual health needs and goals.
  • Nutritional supplements provide reliable amounts of nutrients.  A balance of healthy foods and nutritional supplements may be the ideal way to go for some people.
  • For long-standing and acute problems nutritional supplements provide the potential for faster results than foods alone often can.
  • Certain dosages of supplements are meant for meeting one’s daily nutritional needs along with diet.  Other supplement dosages may be necessary for certain health problems.  You have unique nutritional requirements that can be determined by a qualified clinical nutritionist and sometimes blood tests.
  •  Higher dosages of supplements may allow one to “catch-up” with, and reverse, years of nutritional deficiency and health problems resulting from them.
  • Nutritional supplementation can allow the practitioner to determine which nutrients are most important for your health problem(s); one can isolate single nutrients with supplements, but not from the diet.
  • Optimal nutrition from foods, and use of nutritional supplements, can help many medical problems and work together with medical treatments. A well-nourished person heals better!
  • If you feel that you cannot adjust your dietary intake and lifestyle appropriately, nutritional supplementation may help promote health in spite of these difficulties.
  • Supplements provide a convenient way to improve and increase the nutritional content of your diet.  Sometimes it is easier to take a calcium, iron or vitamin C pill than to eat an extra serving of turnips (for calcium), dark green leafy vegetables (for iron) and fruits & vegetables (for more vitamin C). Foods are fundamental, but you require more than you can consume in a reasonable diet consider appropriate nutritional supplements.
  •  Not all nutritional supplements are alike, and you have been prescribed specific dosages and forms of nutritional supplements.  Always use nutritional supplements that are recommended by a trained health professional. Pharmaceutical grade nutrients are almost always better than most store-purchased nutritional supplements.
  • Do not add other supplements unless approved by your health care provider.  Changing your supplement “recipe” is similar to changing your prescription medication; unintended effects or no effects may result.


This information is for educational purposes only and is not to be used in place of sound medical and nutritional health advice provided by a qualified health care provider.


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*DISCLAIMER: Dr. Michael Wald is a doctor of chiropractic with a Masters Degree in nutrition. He is also a Certified Dietitian Nutritionist and Sports Nutritionist. Dr. Wald is certified to provide acupuncture in several states, but not in New York. Dr. Wald has a Board Certifications in Nutrition. Dr. Michael Wald earned his MD diploma, but did not complete a residency and is thus not licensed to practice medicine. The information on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not to substitute for sound medical or health advice. Information contained within this website may change at any time without prior notice. The information on this website is under copyright, 2024.

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