Dr. Wald’s training schedule
Training – Dr. Wald’s training schedule
Some of you have asked me what my training schedule is like, so I thought I’d give you a brief overview. First of all, it’s 5:37 a.m. on Friday the 23rd of September and very soon I’ll be going out for what’s considered an “easy run” of a distance of 7 miles at an 8:38 minute per mile pace. I’ll rest tomorrow and the next day I’ll do what’s known as tempo run where I will run slowly for 2 miles and then run much faster for 5 straight miles at a 7:21 minute pace. The very next day I’ll run an easy run at a distance of 7 miles at an 8:38 pace then rest for another day. A 20 mile run will be attempted next at a pace of 8 minutes 38 seconds per mile. Between this morning’s run and my final run, which will occur 2 days before marathon race day, I’ll have run approximately 250 miles. I have been training for this marathon for 4 months and have run consistently 4 days a week, but increased to 5 days a week about a month ago. The extra day I added for just general conditioning and stress reduction. That’s funny! Running all these miles to reduce stress, believe it or not, is really what works for me. To quote Forrest Gump again about running,
(Forrest Gump is running) “I had run for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days and 16 hours”
(He stops and turns around). A young man running says, “Quiet, quiet! He’s going to say something!”
(Forrest Gump pauses) and says, “I’m pretty tired…I think I’ll go home now.”
At the end of the day, this is exactly what I will be doing…going home!