Submitted for Publication 2011 by Dr. Michael Wald
The comments below best describe the detrimental effects of sucrose (table sugar) and not necessarily fructose:
1. Sugar increases cardiovascular risk by promoting free radical production and inflammation of blood vessels hardening them (atherosclerosis)
2. Sugar is an oxidizing agent oxidizing LDL; oxidized LDL is very thrombogenic promoting blood clot formation.
3. Sugar promotes form cell production which is necessary for promoting atherogenesis.
4. Sugar lowers the good cholesterol HDL; low HDL is inversely associated with cardiovascular disease.
5. Sugar may increase triglyceride levels which further promotes hypertension by causing atherosclerosis and reduced nitric oxide production
6. Sugar increases apolipoprotein B100 – known to increase cardiovascular risk.
7. Sugar increases vascular tone promoting hypertension; increasing the risk of stroke.
8. Sugar increases chylomicron production promoting cardiovascular disease.
9. Sugar promotes inflammation via oxidative stress causing cross-linking of vascular tissues resulting in athlerosclerosis and hypertension.
10. Sugar increases cortisol levels; reduces DHEA levels; reduces IGF1 (growth hormone levels) and reduces the production of estrogens, progesterone and testosterone – all promoting atherosclerosis, arterosclerosis and high blood pressure.
11. Sugar increases harmful triglyceride levels and promotes metabolic syndrome in genetically susceptible individuals; a condition of high blood sugar, high blood fats and high blood pressure.
12. Sugar promotes platelet aggregation; platelets cause blood clots.
13. Sugar promotes hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) by causing a quick increase in insulin and then a dramatic drop; hypoglycemia is associated with higher cortisol levels promoting weight gain (of fat) and loss of muscle tissue.